Baby Items
Christmas Stockings
Hand Puppets

BEAR - (round ear)
Finger Puppet

Updated, March 08

Cast on 14 stitches(child's size)
  • fur color
  • nose color
  • eye color
#6 Needles Cast on yardage- fingertip to just above elbow

Rows 1-2, ribbing of knit one, purl one.
Row 3-4 stockinet stitch,
Row 5-7 increase, every row, on middle two stitches, (20) stitches on needles.
Row 8 continue in stockinette pattern on the 20 stitches.
Row 9-11 decrease on middle two stitches (14 stitches on needles).
Row 12-14 continue with stockinette pattern on the 14 stitches,
Bind off by running the yarn through the 14 stitches, twice. Pull together for top of head. Sew down about three stitches. This leaves you with room to work the ears as follows.

Ears - You will need two pieces of yarn about 20 inches long. (Purl side to front.) Pick up three stitches down each side. Transfer both sets of picked up stitches to the needle on the right so that when you begin to work the back of the puppet is closer to you. As you work this row, increase one stitch on the middle stitch.
R1 - use stockinette pattern, tie the ends together on this side of each ear. Work one more by binding off by stitch over stitch. Take each piece of yarn (of finished ear), which is at end of each side of the ear, and with a large, blunt end sewing needle, pull down under the ear to the inside. Make these two ends about two stitches apart, then tie off. As you pull the yarn ends down it will make the ear round.

Finish by sewing yarn, for nose. Make eyes, then finish by sewing the back and working in all ends.

Scarf - crochet, fasten to the neck with a crochet stitch, continue for length, as needed.

Muzzle - On row before increase, change color at middle 2 stitches, do all increases and decreases with 2nd color.


